I'll add some pictures of the work from last week later. Here a quick up date on what we decided to do with oil cooling and Fuel system.
Decide that for the time being we'll go without a dry sump my thermostat will be under the driver side passenger seat and filter as it looks mounted on the rear Torsion housing. That should help keep our options open for adding a dry sump if needed at a later date. We are running dual 48pass oil coolers up front mounted between the firewall and beam. And running -8 SS braided hose with AN fittings. And senders just after the Engine hook up and before the return to the engine. I'm thinking I'll install a switch so I can select the temp sender that I want to check. Not sure if a bypass is needed if I'm not running a dry sump.
For Fuel I'm leaning to the Bosch 044 and running 2 filters a pre filter and a filter after the regulator before the fuel rails on the engine. Hoses again are -6 SS Braided with AN fittings return and supply. Pre filter, Pump and Reg. Up front with a sender for pressure gauge.
The Wilwood pedals have arrived :-) and have all the right master with remote reservoirs as well:-)
My Dad just got the Divers seat a Sparco R100 in Black, that Geoff should have in his shop on Tuesday.
Tons of little details but Wow it's going along great!!
Clearing some Budget details and hopefully giving Geoff the ok to go ahead on the body mid next week.
Wish I was there to help but hay it's finally moving forwards.
Oh chassis colour we changed to Gloss Black with all Bolt on Parts in Fire Engine Red. To bring in some contrast.
Still looking for a good body shop right now to take over filler, prime, Paint and Clear.
Glad for any tips
Cheers René